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3 Reasons to Celebrate Podcast Milestones

Mar 01, 2021

When people first set out to podcast, they often have the big picture of their podcasts' impact in their minds. Sometimes, they are considering how many people their words will reach. Other times, they have thoughts as to whether their words will reach anyone at all. Podcasting is hard work. At Spark Media, we believe that the good work that God has uniquely called and positioned you to do should be celebrated. As podcasters, we do not have to publish our shows each week, but we have the opportunity and the ability to do so. Pressing publish is not about you and me and the accolades that we can gain for ourselves. It is about showing up and digging deep - walking the hard road of consistency and continuing to let God use you in unexpected ways. God has a plan for each of us as podcast hosts, and we should intentionally celebrate the work that He is doing through our shows. Here are three reasons why you should celebrate your podcasting milestones.


Podcasting milestones serve as a reminder of how far God has carried you.


Whether you are recording your first episode or your hundredth, God has set you apart for this time in history to carry His message to all of the nations. You have a voice, and it was not given to you by accident. Christian voices must be raised for the Kingdom in this season. It is important that hosts partake in a humble celebration of the things that the Lord has done.


God carries us through many seasons, and podcasting is an excellent way to look back on how God has shaped us both as individuals and as podcast hosts. He uses every ounce of what we give Him for His glory. All praise belongs to Him for our giftings, talents, and abilities. He is a God who does not leave us where we have started but who carries and sustains us on the journey of life. He is good, and His goodness should serve as a reminder to us to praise His name.


Celebrating milestones allows for you to position yourself in a posture of praise toward God.


When we celebrate our milestones with a heart of gratitude, it allows for God to move mightily through our work. Celebrating milestones is not a bad thing. In fact, it allows for us to share with others in glorifying God for all that He is working in and through our shows. It is an amazing opportunity for us to step back and thank God for the progress that has been made and the progress that will continue to be made in the future.


Milestones are an opportunity to reflect on the past and welcome in the new seasons that God has ordained for you.


A third reason for celebrating how God has carried your message as a podcast host is that in celebration, we can reflect upon how He is building, growing, shaping, and sanctifying us as believers. We can also observe the transformation that has occurred in us since starting our podcasts. Even in the case that you are a beginner, you still have a message worth sharing and a voice worth celebrating. The Lord has given podcasters microphones that magnify our voices so that we can glorify Him and ultimately so that His words are spoken through us to His people in His time. Now is the time to celebrate all that the Lord is doing through the medium of podcasting.


Thank you for joining us on the Spark Media Blog today. We encourage you to thank the Lord for the milestones and the listeners He has entrusted to you. He is faithful to use what you have offered up to Him for His glory.


For more Christian podcasting resources, be sure to subscribe to the Spark Media mailing list and join the Spark Community. The community is open for a limited time from March 1st-15th. You don't want to miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who are also on mission to glorify the Lord.

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