From Broadcasting to Podcasting: Why Radio Hosts Make Great Podcast Hosts broadcast podcast radio Jun 08, 2023


It's been over a century since the advent of radio broadcasting, and it's still a powerful medium that thrives in our fast-paced digital world. But as the digital landscape continues to evolve, there's a newer medium that has been steadily gaining popularity - podcasting. There's an...

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Spark Media and KHCB are Pioneering New Ground for Christian Radio and Podcasting christian podcast christian radio collaboration podcast spark influence Jun 22, 2022

Spark Media and KHCB are Pioneering New Ground for Christian Radio and Podcasting


(Houston, TX/ - June 20, 2022) -  Spark Media, a Texas-based female owned and operated company, exists to empower faith-based podcasters to launch and grow podcasts through live and virtual events,...

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Elements of Good Storytelling for Your Podcast podcast storytelling Feb 06, 2022

Elements of Good Storytelling for Your Podcast

In today’s information inundated society, it is imperative for stories to be captivating, to hold an audience’s attention, to invoke emotion, and to be told both truthfully and powerfully. In this post, the Spark Media Team will help you...

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Podcasting Pitfalls- Starting a Show Without Knowing Your Ideal Listener avatar ideal listener podcast target audiunce Nov 26, 2021

Podcasting Pitfalls- Starting a Show Without Knowing Your Ideal Listener

At Spark Media, we see a wide array of podcasting pitfalls - those mistakes that could be avoided with a little research, planning, and experience. One does not have to be a seasoned professional to spot these mistakes and...

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