3 Steps for Creating a Powerful Podcast Description
Jun 05, 2021One of the most common questions that podcasters have regarding the podcasting process is “what kind of information should my podcast description contain?” At Spark Media, we believe that the podcast description is vital to the discoverability of a host’s show. In today’s post, we will help you to optimize your show’s description by teaching you to utilize a formula that focuses on the value that your podcast provides to your intended audience.
To successfully utilize the formula that we present within this post, you will need to be fairly certain of the answer to three specific questions.
Question #1: What is my podcast about?
First things first, you will want to know the main topic that your podcast covers. To determine this, start by asking yourself questions like, “what conversations do I have with the guests on my show?” Or, “what message do I want my show to convey?” You could even ask something like “what subject do I want my listeners to come to me for my expertise on?” These questions shape the foundation of the beginning part of our podcasting formula.
Question #2: Who is my podcast for?
Once you have determined the “what” behind your show, you will want to move into a determination of who you plan to serve. Some questions to reflect on in order to help you make this decision are…
- Who is my intended audience?
- What are my listeners' ages, hobbies, interests, beliefs, values, and skills?
- What are my listeners’ strengths and weaknesses?
The person on the receiving end of the audio should be at the forefront of your mind. You will want to create a description that takes into consideration the needs of your audience and how your show solves those needs. Think of your show as a service to others and craft your description from the vantage point of someone who desires to add value to the lives’ of your listeners both individually and collectively.
Question #3: What value does my show bring to my listeners?
This is often the most difficult of the three questions for any podcaster to answer. Most hosts have an idea of who they plan to serve and a grasp of the topics that they would like to cover. The challenge comes when differentiating between content that adds value and content that does not. When answering this question, you want to ensure that you place yourself in the shoes of a listener. Consider things such as these…
- What takeaways do my episodes offer to those who listen?
- What content interests my listeners?
- How does my show provide resources, helpful information, and insight to my listeners?
Now that you have answered all three of our description building questions, it is time to input your answers into our formula.
(Podcast Name) is about (Chosen Topic) for (Ideal Audience) so that listeners can (Value that Show Adds).
What about the publication date?
Once you have written your show description using the formula above, be sure to mention the date on which your show airs. This strategy will help listeners to be cognizant of when you are planning on releasing your episodes. It will also provide a way for you, as the host, to remain a consistent presence in the lives’ (and the headphones) of your listeners.
For more helpful resources on Christian podcasting, be sure to visit www.sparkmedia.ventures/blog and sign up for our newsletter. We promise not to spam you and we will always provide you with the latest information on the podcasting industry.
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