7 Reasons to Start a Christian Podcast in 2021
Jan 18, 2021If you are considering starting a Christian podcast in 2021, there are many reasons to do so. At Spark Media, we believe that everyone has both a voice and a story to share. In sharing your story, you are bringing God glory and helping advance the Kingdom of Heaven. Podcasting is an excellent medium for spreading truth, helping others to stand strong as Christians. Here are seven reasons why we believe that the time to start a Christian podcast is now.
- Podcasts reach large amounts of people with the good news of Jesus.
According to the Infinite Dial Report, “approximately 197 million Americans were familiar with podcasting in 2020.” This is a relatively large portion of our population. As Christians, imagine the impact that we would have on the Kingdom if we could reach 197 million people with solid, Bible-based content. Podcasting allows you and me to have intimate access to our listeners, who may be of different faiths, backgrounds, and religions. When we can reach them with truth, the impact is significant.
- Podcasts are an excellent way to connect with other Christians.
In addition to reaching those outside of the faith, podcasting helps us reach those who are actively following Jesus and allows for us to make connections with them. As a podcaster, having a network of like-minded believers to interview on your show and to join you in prayer is essential.
- Podcasting helps build transferable skills.
Podcasting is a fabulous way to build transferable skills such as writing, speaking, and interviewing. As a podcast host, you can apply these skills to other areas of your life, such as the workplace. The better you get at doing these things, the more effective you will be in both podcasting and in your business ventures.
- Podcasting is uncensored, allowing us to share openly about our faith.
Podcasting, as a whole, is a mostly uncensored medium. This allows hosts to speak on many different topics. As many more of today’s common social media sites are moving in the direction of censorship, it is comforting to know that podcasting is not at the present moment. Therefore, hosts can speak on issues of faith openly and without a filter.
- During this time in history, people have more time to listen to podcasts.
Many people across the world have been impacted in some form or fashion by the world's events. These events have led many people to begin working remotely, to have flexible schedules, and have free time available throughout the day to listen to podcasts. Starting a podcast during this time would be an excellent way to reach these new listeners.
- Podcasting fosters community.
In this time of isolation, podcasting provides an opportunity to foster community with your listeners and your guests. Podcasting is a great way to stay connected, have engaging conversations, and build community.
- Podcasting is FUN!
Perhaps, the most obvious reason why we recommend that you start a podcast this year is this: podcasting is fun! We would love to support you as you take the first steps into the realm of podcasting. We invite you to subscribe to the Spark Media mailing list for updates, fun resources, and podcasting help. Better yet join the Spark Collective today and get started on creating the podcast of your dreams.
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