Podcasting Zone of Genius
Mar 14, 2021It is likely that at some point, you have heard the term “zone of genius.” Simply put, the zone of genius is your area of expertise. Some podcasters believe that they have to address every area of the podcasting process on their own to be successful. This belief often leads to a cycle of exhaustion, frustration, and eventual podfade, or burnout. This is why, at Spark Media, we believe in working within your zone of genius. This post will present some helpful strategies for determining your zone of genius, staying within your zone of genius, and avoiding burnout.
How do I determine my zone of genius as a Christian podcaster?
Determining your area of expertise, your podcasting skillset, and your unique abilities starts with spending time in prayer and asking God and yourself similar questions to these.
Where do my gifting and my calling line up in this season?
What do I know that I am skilled at?
What skills have others pointed out in me?
What do I enjoy doing?
What do I dislike doing?
Knowing the answers to these questions will allow you to decide which areas of podcasting you wish to take on and which areas you want to outsource or pass on to someone else who has the skills necessary to accomplish them. Zones of genius can vary widely. Some podcasters like to do their editing, while others like to outsource this part of the process. Some are strong in the area of written communication, so they handle their transcripts. Still, others enjoy the social media and promotional side of podcasting. It is essential to know where your zone of genius lies so that you can work within it and keep serving the people that the Lord places within your circle of influence.
How do I stay within my zone of genius as a Christian podcaster?
To stay within your area of expertise, you will want to cultivate a community of people whose skills you can draw on. In some cases, this may look like asking a friend to help with your editing. In other instances, this can look like hiring out a skill that you, yourself, are not comfortable performing. Outsourcing a task is not a “bad” thing. Instead, it frees up your time to do the things that God has specifically called and uniquely gifted you to do. While you may be an excellent interviewer, you may never want to touch the technology necessary to edit a show, and that is okay. To stay within your zone of genius, walk in your giftings and do not stray to the left or the right. Walk in step with the Lord and He will guide and direct your path. He will utilize your work to glorify Himself and to draw others into relationships with Him.
What are some strategies for avoiding “podfade?”
“Podfade” is the term used to describe burnout within the realm of podcasting. There are several ways to avoid burnout. Staying in your zone of genius is one of them, but we wanted to provide some more insight into this area so that you are aware of other ways to avoid this common pitfall.
Remember what God has called you to.
The easiest way to get burned out on what you are doing is to forget the calling that the Lord has placed on your life. Our podcasts are not about us. They are about spreading the message of Jesus far and wide and making His name known worldwide. When we remember this truth, we are far less likely to stop doing what the Lord has called us to do.
Know who you are serving and what value your content brings.
Another way to avoid podfade is to know who it is that your content serves and how your content is serving that person. If you feel burned out, take a moment to look back at your listeners and remember that your work has a purpose greater than you could imagine.
Walk in your zone of genius confidently.
Lastly, we want to encourage you to walk in your zone of genius and your giftings confidently. God has equipped you to serve His people for His purposes. You are capable of so much more when you place your faith and trust in Him and His ability to carry your message.
Make friends with other podcasters and find community.
Lastly, form a community of Christian podcasters to help you avoid podfade. A wonderful place to network, connect, and learn is the Spark Collective. The Collective opens a few times per year. Head over to the Spark Collective page at https://www.sparkmedia.ventures/spark-collective to learn more.
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