Why are Christian voices needed in the podcasting industry?
Mar 08, 2021Many people dream of starting a podcast. Some of them will do so, and some will not. Often, the podcasting dream does not become a reality due to the fear of starting something new, the doubts that arise about one’s message, and the feeling that the message does not matter. Today, we want to dispel that myth and offer hope to the podcaster who feels unsure of their calling.
Here are three reasons why the Spark Media team believes that your voice belongs in the podcasting space.
There is only one you. Your message, your experiences, and your story are unique.
The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:27 that “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” As humans, we were made in the image of our creator. He did not give us all the same personalities, gifts, and talents. Instead, He gifted each of us uniquely so that we may go forth and spread the message of the gospel to the ends of the Earth. The story that you are living now has an eternal impact and significance. There will never be another you, and only you can share the message that God has placed on your heart. The world needs your words, your voice, and a story of hope. More importantly, the world needs Jesus. Through Christian podcasts, we can carry His name to dark places so that people can walk in His light and truth.
When God asks you to walk in your calling, you should move your feet.
Spark Media founder Misty Phillip always reminds the team, her communities, and others of the truth that “where God calls you, He will equip you.” In other words, God does not give us a call and leaves us unable to act on it. He will surround us with people, resources, and the necessary tools to get His message to those who are unreached. Friend, if you are reading this post, the chances are that God has called you to podcast or communicate at some level: your voice matters. Boldly walk in your calling and chase down your God-given dream. He is with you. Just take the first step.
The Christian podcast space is growing. There is room for you at the table.
According to a Blubrry Podcasting article from 2019, “of the 660,000+ podcasts in the Blubrry Podcast Directory, there are just over 92,000 podcasts in the Religious category.” There are lots of voices in the space, but there is room for yours, too. We want to encourage you today to raise your voice, speak the truths found in God’s word over yourself and others, and bring hope to the world that is lost and hurting. There is room for every voice at the table. Use your story to bring God glory!
For updates, Christian podcasting resources, and helpful hints, be sure to subscribe to the Spark Media mailing list. Join the Spark Collective today and let us help you chase your podcasting dreams through Masterminds, accountability, and coaching from industry experts. https://www.sparkmedia.ventures/spark-collective
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