Voices of Hope christian podcaster hope Jan 23, 2023

Voices of Hope

by Jodi Howe


I recently moderated a conference featuring five authors with newly released books!


It became our second annual conference, and we offer it around Christmas time, sharing gift ideas in the form of books and other fun ideas to share with our friends and...

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Motivational Affirmations! affirmations dreams goals motivation Jan 17, 2023

Motivational Affirmations!

by Jodi Howe


I was at the gym today, and often when I'm at the gym, depending on my mood, God will download some pretty cool content for podcast ideas, blogs, and more.  


The Problem is I don't carry my phone in the gym, so I have to depend on my...

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Content Creators "Go-To's"! brainstorm content creation podcast ideas podcast planner Nov 26, 2022

Content Creators "Go-To's"!

by Jodi Howe


As content creators, we must devise new and creative ways to speak to our audiences.


And that is no easy task.


Often times we will sit and stare at our computer screens or devices, and nothing seems to come from the files stored in our...

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Downloads got you down? podcast downloads podcast listening Nov 19, 2022

Downloads got you down?

by Jodi Howe


Before I started podcasting, the only definition of download I knew of was downloading a file on your computer, phone, or tablet.


But once you start the process of podcasting, that word's "meaning" takes on a life of its own! Like:

  • How many...
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Spark Media
The 10 Best Pieces of Writing Advice I EVER received!!!
The 10 Best Pieces of Writing Advice I EVER received!!! author platform blogging literary agent speaking writing advice writing conference writing podcast writing programs Oct 27, 2022

When I began writing, I didn't know what I didn't know! God had laid a message on my heart, but I didn't know anything about the book publishing business and where to begin. But I was eager to learn, and I was persistent! After attending a writing conference and meeting with an acquisitions...

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Must Have Marketing and Communication Insight for Podcasters christian podcaster communication marketing Jul 07, 2022

Over the past decade, the popularity of podcasts, videos, and other readily accessible media has risen to new heights. This increase in content consumption is fueled by the tiny pieces of technology we hold in the palm of our hands. With a cell phone in hand, you and I can access a wide array of...

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Spark Media and KHCB are Pioneering New Ground for Christian Radio and Podcasting christian podcast christian radio collaboration podcast spark influence Jun 22, 2022

Spark Media and KHCB are Pioneering New Ground for Christian Radio and Podcasting


(Houston, TX/ - June 20, 2022) -  Spark Media, a Texas-based female owned and operated company, exists to empower faith-based podcasters to launch and grow podcasts through live and virtual events,...

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4 Compelling Reasons to Start a YouTube Channel for Your Podcast youtube May 10, 2022

4 Compelling Reasons to Start a YouTube Channel for Your Podcast 

In a previous post, the Spark Media team covered the benefits of starting a YouTube channel for your podcast. Podcasts are becoming increasingly more popular across the spectrum of age ranges and they are easily accessible on...

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4 Easy Steps to Improve Podcasting Process batch content podcast process time block Apr 07, 2022

Creating a podcast with excellence that makes an impact takes time, intentionality, and planning. If you feel overwhelmed by the process, here are four easy steps to help you. 


1. Audit - Begin by auditing your time and podcast tasks. Track your time and activities for a week....

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On-Demand Audio & Video Content on-demand audio podcast network podcasts women Apr 02, 2022

On-demand audio and video have become an essential element of the media mix. On- Demand audio is convenient, cost effective, and measurable. The growth of audio content continues its upward trajectory, and podcasts are audio's blockbuster star.


On-demand audio is any digital audio...

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Why Christians Should Stand United Against Cancel Culture biblical literacy cancel culture christian podcaster first ammendment joe rogan spotify Feb 07, 2022

Why Christians Should Stand United Against Cancel Culture

The podcasting industry has been abuzz with both concern and confusion as popular podcaster Joe Rogan had many of his podcast episodes pulled from the major streaming platform, Spotify, due to the opinions of the guests he interviewed and...

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Elements of Good Storytelling for Your Podcast podcast storytelling Feb 06, 2022

Elements of Good Storytelling for Your Podcast

In today’s information inundated society, it is imperative for stories to be captivating, to hold an audience’s attention, to invoke emotion, and to be told both truthfully and powerfully. In this post, the Spark Media Team will help you...

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